
Playing in the NYC Sprinklers
My first born son is turning one on Sunday. I can't believe it. Time flies under normal circumstances, but when you factor in your own children it seems to rocket by. One year ago tonight Allison and I were eating mexican food at La Cocina and then going to see the late showing of "Mean Girls". By this point we never thought Allison was going to go into labor so we decided to stay out and have a good time. Little did we know that next morning we be staring face to face with our greatest blessing in life.
I can remember him as just a tiny baby, and how impossible it seemed that he could ever sit up let a lone walk. But at nine months he showed us just how capable he was, and he has been running ever since. These past twelve months have been the happiest and tiredest I have ever been. It hasn't always been easy, but it's always been worth it. We are indebted to all of Levi's family, friends, and neighbors who have been with us this past year as we have tried to figure out how to do this thing called "parenting". Your love, support, and encouragment has ment everything to us and we could not have done it without you. Every child deserves to enter this world loved as much as Levi is. It has been my profound sadness to realize this isn't the case - forgive us LORD.
Allison and I marvel at the fearfully and wonderfully made blessing that greets us each morning. We are humbled to have a healthy, happy, energetic, and loving baby boy. His energy is impressive and wears us both out, but his curiosity and love for life keeps us in awe everyday. It's hard to even pray for him sometimes because our love is so deep and so primal that words fail to express our true feelings. But we know that God watches over Levi and knows his needs. We take our refuge in that.
Levi, I am not worthy to be your father, but I am wholly grateful to call you my son. You fill me with goodness, love, and hope each day. You have revealed God to me in ways that I will never forget. I want you to know that I love your mother and cherish her above all others and I will not leave either of you. My love for you will never fail. As you grow and learn I will be there to keep you safe, to let you fall, and to pick you up time and time again. You are unique , in the history of creation there has never been anyone like you. God knows you even better than I do, and he loves you. But I suspect you already know that...I will try to not let you forget.
I love you son - Happy Birthday
Your Dad.
Jason, thanks for expressing your commitment to your family. It is refreshing. God bless you.
Lovely words from an awesome dad. Levi, my buddy, I want to wish you a VERY happy first birthday. I am very sad that business has taken me away from home during your big day. Kate and my girl/your good friend, Erin Faith, will be at your party to help you celebrate. Happy birthday big guy! Let your parents sleep once in a while. =)
Great post from a great dad. I can just tell that from reading your thoughts. I know that it is trite and cliche to talk about how quickly the years pass and how they grow ... but I think for each of us we only KNOW it when it happens to us. As my son looks at me eye-to-eye, stays on the phone with his girlfriend, challenges my beliefs, leads his friends to Christ ... I'm just humbled at the gift God has given me. The only thing I wish I had done was keep a journal all those years. He was one funny little kid ... and I can't remember any of the funny things he said. EXCEPT... twelve years ago ... he was three ... and we were 'trying out' at this church. He went up to several of the elderly sisters and introduced himself as the new preacher. I think he got me the job. Sorry to go on so long here.
happy bday levi! i can't believe he's 1!! i saw that pic and i thought "oh my gosh. he's gotten so big!!" i just remember him crawling around on the floor during small group!
What an encouraging post, God bless you and Aliison and little Levi!
I was feeling alittle sad about our adopted son turning one tomorrow and found your site.
Time went by too fast!
I understood and could relate to your words about Levi.
It really moved me to see someone else understand just how blessed we are to have these little ones in our life.
He is also equally blessed to have such a great dad.
wonderful picture!
In Him,
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