
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Guys Weekend, Hat Guy, and Kwan

This is what Levi and woke up to this morning. The biggest one day snowstorm in NYC history - BLIZZARD OF '06 - ! I believe we got around 26 inches in Central Park over the last 24 hours.

Under normal circumstances this wouldn't have been too big a deal, but Allison was on a women's retreat and that meant me and Levi had a 12 hour play date inside our apartment. YIKES! We spent a good part of the morning going through our favorite playlists. He would listen to my iTunes playlist, and then I would listen to his. At the end we both decided that we liked the music player (an iPod) as much as we liked the music.

Of course we had a great day thanks in large part to our bigger apartment and sweet little Sophia Hays. I made sure Levi cleaned up a little bit so that we had the appearances of everything being in ship shape. Joe brought her over and those two kids ran up and down our hall (yes we have a hall now) about a million times. There are few things as endearing as the laughter of a three year-old and a twenty month old as they chase and play with each other. The time went by much faster and soon Allison returned. After a while Laura arrived after spending some time with Ira at the hospital.

It was a really moving weekend for Allison and a fun weekend for me and Levi. I took him to get his first haircut, which was a lot of fun but incredibly expensive. He will be getting his haircut at home from now. I didn't know how he would react to getting his haircut since he had never had it done before. He was a little nervous, until we gave him a lollipop. Then he couldn't have cared less what the barber was doing, he had a sucker.

Oh no he didn't just say that!
Saturday night my wonderful sister volunteered to come stay with Levi so I could go out to a movie with Brandon. We saw CAPOTE and it was awesome. I recommend it and PSH was amazing. Anyway as we were leaving the theater we were crammed onto this escalator with the other 1,000 people whose movie had just let out. There was a guy in front of us with an ENORMOUS hat. I am talking huge, bigger and uglier than this.

He is standing about three people in front of us when this black guy behind us reaches over, touches hat man's shoulder and says (effeminately) -
"Oh, where did you get your hat? I should rip it off your head and run with it!"
To which hat man responded instantaneously:
"F*** you, you f****g n****r! I'll kick your a**!"
He yelled this three more times. There was this shocked silence that this white guy in black pointed boots, white pants and jacket, and a humongo black and white fur hat had repeatedly used the 'n' with a hard 'er' word, and no one said or did anything to him! I couldn't believe it. I thought for sure I was going to witness a beat down. I am telling you there were 150 people on this escalator, and there were quite a few people around that looked like they wouldn't take a comment like that from anyone, let a lone a guy like that.

The real kicker is the fact that hat guy was with, wait for it...a black woman! No joke. This white, stupid, hothead was actually with a black woman when he told called someone else the "N" word and a whole host of other unprintable phrases! Just when you thought you had seen most of what the city had to offer!

See you at Disney on Ice!
Finally, what's up with this absolute love affair with Michelle Kwan. Wake up people, she is a choker! She can't win the big one, even with the skating federation, NBC, and most of America making exceptions for her to compete in yet another doomed effort for Olympic Gold. NBC is treating Kwan's decision to drop out like it's the biggest tragedy in the world. I guess they will have to make four or five more bio-pic spots to take up all the scheduled "Kwan time" they were counting on airing. Come on people, she didn't even compete at Nationals.

Beth, please forgive me.

It's way too late and I am watching NBC wrap their coverage on the Olympics. They just did a whole shout out to the tragedy of Kwan dropping out. The topper is that they signed off their coverage with a "final skate" to the song "Fields of Gold" unbelievable! Now Boob (on purpose) Costas is talking about Kwan again....amazing!


kenny said...

THANK YOU for bashing Michelle Kwan. I'm sick of the drama also. Give Hughes a chance! At least she showed up to nationals and placed 3rd - the spot is rightfully hers anyways. Besides, Sasha Cohen is gonna clean house with the competition anyways. And that statement was not at all clouded by the fact that Sasha is the celebrity endorsement for my company's biggest client...

So far the American's have been sucking - except for that red haired snowboarder dude. He did alright.

erinlo said...

I've been thinking about ya'll this weekend and wondered how you were fairing with the weather. I LOVE the pics of Levi- what a sweet boy! Doing haircuts at home has become the norm at our house. We probably save $40 a month because I cut all the boys hair- we did it just this past weekend! I bribe the boys with lollipops (including Jeff) and it's not too bad.

Jana said...

And in all that time that you guys were trapped indoors, you couldn't find a few minutes to email us some pics of your new place? Whatevah.

Be nice to Michelle. She's lost her chance at gold. That's a little sad.

Chris Ewing said...

Kwan is a quitter. What kind of lesson is that for kids? Hey kids if things get too hard, just quit. Have a bad day at work? just quit. Even the last guy of a track race finishes even though he smoked off the line. It's not about winning, it's about finishing. To just quit is an insult to those who could have had her spot. She goes to all the trouble of getting a petition (because she didn't qualify) and then she quits. Unbelievable.


Byron said...

The snow looks great! I wish Blake and I could play with you and Levi on a cold winter day. It's a tough 61 degrees right now in Cen Tex; hope I survive the afternoon.

jch said...

Chris, are you serious? Nine US championships and five world championships. A quitter? Hardly. Dude, have you ever had a physical injury like a pulled groin or a pulled hamstring? It ain't pretty. Glad she pulled out. Good move, Kwan. (She does read this blog, right?)

As for the snow storm, I'm greatly indebted to you, Jason, for putting up with our toddler. You're the man!

Anonymous said...

Okay, Jason. I'm not going to write what I WANT to write...but you're in BIG trouble with your mother. Michelle was robbed of the gold when Tara Lipinski won 8 years ago. I'm still mad about it. Have you heard any more from Lipinski? No! She knew she'd never be able to replicate that win. Michelle is the best, a great person, and very kind to give up her spot so soon, so that Hughes could have time to psych up for the games and enjoy the days prior to her event. Kenny and Chris-watch your backs...


J-Wild said...

Sure Michelle is a great gal. As far as role models go, I doubt you can find a better one. She is honorable, and admirable in how she has handled herself. I am just sick of NBC acting like it's the absolute biggest deal in the world. Perhaps it's the fact that the US isn't doing so hot in the Olympics. Anyway I almost took down the post after I realized that she is a classy person.

With regard to Tara, I saw her skate professionally on TV under the watchful eye of Mr. Scott. She made her millions and went quitly into the night. If Michelle ran for Senate I would vote for her, but people the world isn't coming to an end because Michelle Kwan isn't figure skating. Besides with the way judging is in figure skating they weren't going to give it to her if she did a back flip with a half-calf twist. I love you - and I have your grandson :)

Sophia isn't why you are indebted to me...she is a sweatheart :) Any time my friend.

I am quite frankly shocked at your patriotic streak, I wasn't aware that you liked this country. These colors don't run! Yeeehawww!