Go Mom!

I am a huge sucker for movie trailers. It's one of my favorite parts of going to the theater. Here are some trailers of upcoming films that look really good to me.
Half Nelson
Little Miss Sunshine
Fast Food Nation
We Are Marshall
The Departed
The Persuit of Happyness
Finally, I was talking to my my friend the other day and he asked me if I was planning on seeing the new Oliver Stone movie World Trade Center. I quickly dismissed the idea on the premise that it would be too intense. My friend said, "you saw 'Passion of the Christ' and 'Saving Private Ryan' those were intense."
I have been thinking about that. Why would "Passion of the Christ" be something I eagerly see, yet "United 93" and "World Trade Center" are two movies I want to avoid? I am not sure about the answer, but even tonight as I watched the news and listened to the newly released 9/11 tapes, I had tears in my eyes and my heart felt really heavy.
Perhaps I should be feeling the same way that people who experienced WWII and the Normandy invasion did as I do 9/11, but having experienced 9/11 as first hand as one could wihtout actually being in the buildings or right outside (being in the city was plenty close enough), I can't bear the idea of watching the movie. We were here the first time and I'm not ready to repeat the experience or a reproduction of the experience. I even wish the History Channel would go back to playing Civil War stuff or anything besides 9/11 and Twin Towers programs. I can't wait for the anniversary to be over because I don't want to think about it.
I'd question why you'd want to watch it more than why you'd avoid it (not that you couldn't watch it, but it makes more sense to me why you wouldn't want to).
I appreciate the thought of the WWII vet not wanting to see Private Ryan and the similar reaction that a New Yorker would feel concerning the 9-11 movies. Being a history teacher and not being a New Yorker I will most likely see the 9-11 movies and I plan to gain a greater appreciation of the specific impact of that day, just as my appreciation of the men of WWII grew when I was able to see it (a good version of it at least) instead of just read about it.
That's so great about what your mom is doing! Spain should be a pretty cool place to visit.
I'm with you on the 9-11 movies. I saw the 2nd tower fall from 34th street and walked around the area the next day (I was only allowed down there because I worked below Canal St. at the time). I'm not ready to see a movie about that day, but I can see how it would be an important thing for the rest of the country to see. For me, I still cringe when I hear a plane flying a little too low, and sometimes I mistake cloud formations for the smoke surrounding the WTC area.
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