Baseball Tonight!

Tonight Matt H. and I will be taking our boys to the Mets vs. Dodgers game tonight. This will be Levi's very first baseball game, and the fact that he is going with his very best buddies is going to just be almost more than he can take.
I am slightly intimidated, because the Henegar boys are real baseball fans, and they bleed Dodger blue. Matt knows a lot about baseball, but that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the fact that his son, Aidan (whose in kindergarten) knows about ten times more baseball than I do or ever will. Since about the age of four he has been able to sit and watch entire baseball games on TV or in person. He knows players names, positions, strategy, and I bet he even knows how to keep a baseball scorecard.
It is going to be a lot of fun.
I fell a little bad about the downer article I linked to yesterday. Even though I discouraged people from going there, I know some of you wouldn' be able to resist (I couldn't). So here is a link that will make you feel a little more empowered. And yes, I plan on making one of these.
I played baseball once with Aiden at camp. the kid can play. He pitches like Roger Clemens. He bends down and stares at you with this intense glare. Then straightens up and fires in. He doesn't play around.
Second, I'm shocked that its taken this long to take your boy to a baseball game.
A Mets game? Really? Have Joe and I taught you nothing? Please, I beg you, don't buy Levi a Mets hat. It would break my heart to see him in blue and orange. Have a great time anyhow - it's the second best baseball in town! Hope you don't get slammed by any US Open traffic.
I'm with Kenny on this. A Mets game? Please. That's glorified minor league ball. I'm just thankful Levi will have no memory of this whatsoever!
Cool post. I have the same picture on my comp desktop right now. Hope the game is fun. This could be a preview of the NLCS.
- Paul
Joe and Kenny:
First, it wasn't a "Mets game", it was a "Dodger game" (although that shouldn't necessarily be read as an attempt to refute the minor league reference).
Second, if you really cared, I would think you could have come up with some Yankee tickets before now. I have exactly 4 games each year at which to indoctrinate the young lad. You have 81.
And finally, teaching Levi to love the Yanks would be like teaching him to love Darth Vader. He should respect and fear them, but he should NEVER love them. Don't give in the dark side, young Levi.
Jason: I'm glad Levi had such a great time. He turned what was an otherwise miserable game into one of my most memorable and enjoyable evenings at the ballpark. Thanks for joining us!!!
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