Bono Vs. Baldwin
Kate sent me a link to the recent interview that Stephen Baldwin did on the Today Show about his upcoming book The UNusual Suspect: My Calling to the New Hardcore Movement of Faith.
The interview was pretty interesting mainly because Stephen come across fairly normal and even likable (video of his interview). I found myself saying "go ahead brother preach it!"
But then it happened. Matt Lauer read and except of the book where Stephen criticizes the work and focus of BONO. He says in the book:
"You [BONO] would do far more good if you just preached the gospel of Jesus rather than trying to get rid of Third World debt relief."He went on to explain to Matt Lauer that he completely supports and applauds BONO and believes that AIDS, Debt Relief, and other such causes are incredibly important. But that ultimately BONO would do more good if he turned on the lights at one of his concerts and shared the Gospel with people.
I am going to infer that Stephen Baldwin takes an approach that would contend the world is a sinking ship, and time and effort should be given in trying to get people off the ship and saved before it goes under. The opposite view of this (sometimes called "Social Gospel") historically contends that the Kingdom of God is ushered into the world through acts of justice, service, liberation, and love. I would imagine that Bono tends to lean towards these kinds of public efforts as the most effective way of being an "evangelist."
Tony Campolo writes in his book "Adventures in Missing the Point" that he has come to see that both points of view were partly right. He states:
"I now affirm the optimism of those wo believe God is at work in the world through faithful servants, both inside the church and outside the church, bringing hope to the poor, liberation to the oppressed, and the creation of a new society in which love and justice reign.Do we focus on helping to create people who belong to the kingdom, or do we spend time showing people what the kingdom looks like in hopes that this is what will be persuasive?
At the same time, however - even as I join with them in striving to realize this kingdom of God on earth - I also believe that we should not delude ourselves in to thinking that whatever we can build of God's kingdom now can come to fullness without Christ's return....Without kingdom people there can be no kingdom."
I agree with Kate, you need both, but sometimes you can't reach and teach others until you've met their basic needs. I remember learning that in education classes, and I think that applies to the gospel as well.
There are questions about Bono sharing the message he does and in his concerts, not taking the time to share about why he wants to do what he does.
Possibly, since Bono has arrived on such a public forum, he has more responsibility. He has already met the idea of showing by example and encouragement, maybe now he needs to stand on some solid words that pertain to Christ as his Savior and Motivator.
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