
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Katie and Derek


My DVR is set to record Katie Couric's first broadcast as news anchor for the CBS nightly news. This is an historic and important occasion. I realize that not many of my peers watch a national nightly news program (except The Daily Show), but Allison and I have our DVR set to record the NBC Nightly News and we watch it every night.

We have always watched NBC and we really liked Tom Brokaw. Brian Williams has been super annoying because of the ridiculously long intro's he gives to stories. Drives us crazy! So we are giving our evening news allegiance up for grabs to see if Katie can persuade us to switch from NBC to CBS. If Lester Holt (he goes to our church) or Campbell Brown were the anchors on NBC then we wouldn't be open to switching, but they aren't. I like Katie so I have high hopes that she will be a great anchor and a strong voice for the national news. So, suspend the "liberal bias" or "corporate puppet" cynicysm of the news and tune in.

On the Music front. Derek Webb formerly of Caedmon's Call released his album "Mockingbird" for free on September 1. He has been quoted as saying that the issues of politics, faith, and justice are important and need to be discussed. This album has a healthy dose of all three, and aren't typical of what you think you might hear from an artist that makes "Christian music." This album is the first announcement of the coming backlash to right-wing Christian politics and conspicuous consumption.

Go ahead and give it a listen, it's free! Just go to www.freederekwebb.com to download the album. It does ask you to put down five e-mail address, I just used my various addresses and made then made the rest up. But that was overly paranoid, I just received a simple text e-mail giving me the link.

Whoa! Check out the first comment.


Anonymous said...

thanks so much for helping spread the word about freederekwebb.com. just so folks are clear, it's true, we are asking anyone who is downloading Mockingbird to trade us the free record for telling 5 of their friends about freederekwebb.com, just to help us get the word out. that seemed like a fair trade to us.

so we'd really appreciate if folks would put in legitimate email address of folks who might enjoy Mockingbird. the more you can encourage folks along those lines the better. however, i'm just glad for folks to have the record.

for folks who don't want to trade us a few invitations to friends for the record, it's also available at itunes. it's $9.99 there, but it doesn't require that you tell anyone about it.

so thanks so much again for your help with getting the word out! blessings-

J-Wild said...


Thanks for commenting. Sorry about giving the e-mail work around thing in my post. I was trying to downplay the e-mail requirement, which I agree, isn't unreasonable.

Great, great album. I completely applaud the courage it takes for you to sing and write these lyrics (especially in a genre where lyrics are almost everything). I am sure you have had people tell you that you were committing career suicide, I am glad you didn't listen.

One question (in case you come back) on the tracks "Please, Before I Go" and "A Consistent Ethic of Human Life" you have horn sections that sound inspired by Sufjan Stevens. Is this the case?

Blessings to you, and I look forward to your next album.

Anonymous said...

Wow -- what an exciting event right here on j-wild.blogspot.com! I'd love to listen to it but my speakers don't work.

RD said...

That was hilarious. So much for Christian ethics.
I should probably return those copied DVDs I just bought on the Burmese border.