3x The Power!

Both bottles provide 32 loads of detergent
We usually get laundry detergent from Target, but we ran out so we went and purchased some Tide recently. The detergent we typically use is called Method. It is 3x concentrated so you only have to pour 1 ounce of detergent into the washer to get a full load of laundry clean. It's amazing, the bottle is 32 fl oz and holds 32 loads (the bottle contains less liquid than a 1 liter bottle of coke).
The Tide we have been using on the other hand requires at minimum 4 ounces of liquid and up to 10 ounces for large loads. The bottle comes in 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, or 300 ounce sizes.
You business people out there, why don't companies like Tide move to the smaller more concentrated formula across their entire product line? It would seem to me that they would save on shipping, manufacturing, and raw materials if they did. What am I missing here?
This kind of thing (using concentrated detergent) is just one very easy way to help out the environment with hardly any effort. I am not that good of an environmentalist, truth be told I HATE to recycle, but we do it because Allison is good at it (and it's the law here). Personally I like using those low energy high lumen light-bulbs that cost $8 a pop but last five years or something like that. I really get into that. But I am most proud of riding my Bike, that's as green as it gets right?
Are you good at doing your part to be environmentally aware? Slate is doing a great challenge right now called The Green Challenge. I did the survey and found out that my annual carbon emissions is 31,999 lbs. That's equivalent to the emissions from 3.14 passenger cars.
It's easier to charge more for bigger packaging, thus they make larger profits on the weaker concentrations.
Also I bet there are a lot of people who don't think their clothes can get clean with such a small amount. Even if it's technically the same cleaning power, they're just more comfortable with the larger amount.
I can't believe Christine hasn't commented. She is crazy for method stuff. She loves it.
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