Being Good at What You Do

You don't like to think about this, but not everybody is good at what they do. I certainly know of ministers and particularly youth ministers who are more of a danger than a help to the spiritual lives of teens. My dad (who is an amazing physician) has talked to me about other physicians who he thinks are terrible and even have the potential to hurt or kill someone.
Why would this pop into my head....because I was on an airplane of course. As we were taking off I started to think about the people who you really want to be competent at their job, like pilots. Truth is there are bad pilots, which is probably why they have two in a cockpit. I mean can you see this conversation:
"Man have you flown with Steve? I'm telling you he better pray to God that he doesn't have to land in fog, or even a light rain, that guy's a disaster. If he has fly to Seattle...forget it, that plane's coming out of the sky, but won't be near a runway! Intuition is fine on a clear day and big runway.I imagine this conversation is what happened as the pilots were hanging around talking about this little incident.
can you imagine going through all you'd have to go through to become a pilot, then your boss tells you you're "grounded"? that's gotta make you feel thirteen.
For a minute I thought you were going to say you were on the plane in the picture! It seems that a minister filtering process should be adopted in colleges to help with this. I am not saying you have to have a degree to do ministry, but where is the accountability?
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