It Snowed!

It is incredible how fast a baby can grow! It was just about six weeks ago when the baby looked like this. Besides Killer heartburn Allison and baby are doing just great. She had her first full week back at school, and is a little overwhelmed but eager to tackle her new courses. She loves school and is absolutely fascinated by what she is learning.
This morning Levi got up way too early. As we walked past the windows I noticed that there was snow on the ground, and I knew as soon as he saw it we were going to have to go outside. I held him off for about forty minutes (it was hard to understand why 6:30 am isn't the best time to play in the snow), but I finally broke down and took him out at 7:15 am. Here is a picture of his first snowball which is now sitting in our freezer. The snow is mostly gone now (11:00 am), so I am glad we got out there before it went away. Being a dad rocks!
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