
Thursday, March 08, 2007

Playing Catch Up

Sorry it's been a little slow at the J-Wild blog this week. I have been swamped so here is a brain dump.

1. American Idol - Melinda Doolittle and Lakisha Jones are so much better than everyone else on this season it's amazing. The boys are terrible, save the beat box guy, and the curly hair dude.

2. LOST - Whew, finally a show to sink our teeth into!

3. The Four Unspeakable Truths about the Iraq war according to Jacob Weisberg are: The War was a mistake. The soldiers are victims as much as they are heros. The lives lost in Iraq are lives that have been wasted. America is going to, or already has lost this war. Even if you don't agree with his assessment it's worth reading. He also apologizes for his qualified support for the war.

4. On Joe's blog he explored what people meant when they said they were "supporting our troops". Great stuff was written in the comments, but what I keep coming back to is how much our government doesn't seem to be supporting our troops. They were sent to battle without proper armor, asked to return for tours again and again, and now it is appalling clear that the government is at best unprepared and worst negligent in taking care of the tens of thousands of wounded coming back to the United States.

5. I keep reflecting on this line from our staff devotional earlier this week. "Help me move from being created in your image, to living in your likeness."

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