
Saturday, May 05, 2007

We Made It

We made it to Spain on Thursday evening after leaving New York Wednesday morning at 6:00 a.m. Before hand we had figured that since Levi had been born he has flown on eleven round trip plane flights. Several of those trips being from coast to coast. That experience definitely paid off because he was absolutely brilliant on the flight from NYC to London, and London to Madrid. He goes through security like a pro, and even starts taking his shoes off before we ask him too! Of course it helped that he had his own TV on the British Airways flight to London. I did pretty well too, although the aborted takeoff on our way to Madrid in London didn't really sit well. They said it was a software problem so they pulled off the runway, rebooted the computers and tried again. I bet they're running Vista!

We have now been in Madrid for three days and it's absolutely wonderful. The first day we went around the relatively small town of Acala De Henares which is near the town of Camarma where mom lives. We had tapas, ice-cream, and enjoyed the large plaza in the center of town.

Today (Saturday), we ventured off to Segovia and saw an ancient Roman aqueduct, a castle complete with armor, horses, and a huge mote, plus a great cathedral! Levi could hardly contain himself he was so pumped. There was so much we saw and took in it's hard to put into words, so here are some pictures.

  1. Levi and Don Q.
  2. These Roman arches are 2,000 years old, use no mortar, and Levi loved the carousel.
  3. Family on the streets of Segovia.
  4. Outside the Alcazar Castle of Segovia.
  5. Levi and his fellow knight!
  6. Levi and Grandma on the castle tower.
  7. View from top of Castle towards the cathedral in central Segovia.
Since being here I have come to realize that there are really two types of Americans. Those who have been overseas, and those who haven't. For thirty-two years of my life I didn't think I was missing all that much not having left the Continent of North America. But in just the four days that I have been here I have developed an ache of regret in my heart that I had not come to Europe sooner or while I was in college. It's more than just the cool castles, cathedrals, and ancient history that's seemingly around every corner. It's the possibility of discovering what is unique and common among people who have a completely different culture, language, tradition, and history than I grew up with. So far some things make me treasure being an American even more, and other things cause me to realize how much we could learn from other countries.

Watching Levi speak Spanish to the vendors, and seeing his eyes widen as we step inside a massive castle or cathedral have further cemented the desire Allison and I have for taking our family on trips overseas. Yes it's super expensive, and it wouldn't be something we could do very often but it's just so valuable and doable that we are already scheming a way to come back before we have even left.

More updates to follow.


Claire Grainger said...

Welcome to the world!!! So glad to have you converted, we knew it wouldn't take much ...
Just one criticism though, it's "moat" not "mote" - but we'll let you off as I guess you don't get much opportunity to use words like that.

The Wrangler said...

Yes, well...being so familiar with the scriptures, Jason's first impulse was to write mote instead of moat. As in Matthew 7:3.

Jason's Mom

kenny said...

First of all, so glad you guys are having such an excellent time! We're so jealous.

Secondly, photo #3 of you guys against the wall better end up as an 8x10, framed on your wall at home. It's a gorgeous photo!

J-Wild said...

Thanks for the photo compliments. And it will end up on our wall don't worry.

Sandi said...

So glad that you guys are having such a good time -- we feel the same way about traveling overseas. I feel like it helps you to see people from a different perspective -- appreciating their differences and their similarities. Happy Europe-ing!