Drug War and Chocolate Chip Cookies
"How America Lost the War on Drugs" by Ben Wallace-Wells in the November issues of Rolling Stone has to be one of the best and most thorough article on the subject I have ever read. After seeing "American Gangster" and being totally engrossed by Netflix'ing season one of "The Wire" this article completed my drug, money, and crime edutainment tri-fecta.
Take the time to read the article (19 pages when printed in 'printer friendly' format). The article seems to point to clear answers for the drug war after 30 years of failing in spectacular fashion. The thing that's really interesting to me is that we are only in year four of the "War on Terror" and who knows what painful lessons we are going to have to learn before we fight that war effectively. The failure of the "War on Drugs" should serve as a warning to our current "War on Terror." So CHECK IT!Here it is! The best gluten free chocolate chip cookie mix in the world. If you or a loved one has celiac disease or is gluten intolerant, bake a batch of these cookies and you will feel like you are having a NORMAL cookie again. In fact we had set these cookies out at Bible study last night and another batch of the cut and bake Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies. People liked the gluten free ones better.
Allison got this at Whole Foods and it looks like you can order them from the Cherrybrook Kitchen company as well. Thanks Allison for making the cookies and BIG SHOUT OUT to Melanie Murphy for giving Allison the heads up on these cookies. You're the best gluten free spotter out there!!
I'll stock up on the mix if you'll come to Spain!
it's not "war on terror" it's "war on terra"
Don't believe him!! THEY'RE NOT REAL COOKIES!!!! They fall apart in your mouth. He's just forgotten what real cookies taste like.
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