
Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert Dies

As anyone who reads this blog knows, I love politics and current events. Tim Russert was my favorite political analyst. I trusted his opinion and insight above all others. He was always fair, never took cheap shots, and asked tough insightful questions. One of my favorite things to do Sunday evening after the day is over and the kids were in bed was to watch Meet the Press. That show set the tone for what was going to be talked about in the coming week. You knew if a political figure was going to go on that show they weren't going to get a free pass. You could feel how seriously Tim Russert took the responsibility of getting these politicians to answer the tough questions. Even with the tough questions he let them speak. He didn't cut them off, or try to grandstand them. He treated each person with respect.

His intellectual honesty, humility, and love of the political process in America set him apart from anyone else in journalism. I will definitely miss journalistic insight during this incredible time of change and upheaval in this country.

May God bring peace to his family and those whose lives he touched.


The Wrangler said...

I, too, am a big fan of Tim Russert. I am saddened by this early and untimely death. We really needed him right now, especially. May God comfort his family.

Zombie said...

Holy Cow, I had no idea he died until right now. That sucks, I like him too.

David Kirk said...

A fair and balanced man! I miss him!