
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Do You See What I See?

We are loosing the views from the north facing windows of our apartment (except the boys room). We aren't complaining, it's rare enough for an apartment in NYC to get light, let alone have an entire vista to look at. Empty lots don't stay that way in NYC so we knew it was coming, eventually. The new building across the street adds about a floor every three weeks. Today they finished putting on the ceiling of the seventh floor. While we are gone on vacation they will complete the eighth floor and our view will then become a series of big windows just fifty feet away.

In about a year those windows will have people in them and suddenly strangers who we will most likely never talk (and probably shouldn't talk to) will potentially know more about what goes on in our home every day than anyone else, and vice versa. So I am curious as to what you might do if you were in our situation a year from now.

Would you:
A. Get blinds to cover all the windows that face the new unknown neighbors.

B. Go without blinds and make sure you were always appropriately dressed and behaved.

C. Stand naked in front of the window the first day people move into the building, and hope that display convinces THEM to go out and buy window coverings.

D. Get no shades, walk around your house any way you choose and don't give a second thought to the people who may or may not be watching you all day long.

Just so you can make an informed decision, if you stand right at the window and look out, this is how well you could see into the other building (click image for larger size). And none of the windows people can see in or we can see out of are the bedroom windows. Just playroom, kitchen, and family room.

So which decision would you make, and which one do you think we are going to choose?


jch said...

I guess it depends on how you roll. Do you like prancing around in your skibbies? Are there times when you make a quick trip into the kitchen/living room in your birthday suit. If it were me, and this tells you more than you want to know, I would choose A and get some nice blinds. But I'm guessing you guys will choose B, no?

Shannon said...

We have our blinds on order for our new house here in Florida but they haven't come in yet. As a result, we have been dodging past windows for the past 2 months! We figure if the neighbors are looking they deserve what they see! We will enjoy the privacy when the coverings are finally installed. Until then it's a free for all!

J-Wild said...

For us it's probably going to be a combination of B and D. Although if we are pushed to it we might use C as a method of last resort.

kenny said...

Are there not 1-way blinds? Ones that let light in that you can see out of, but nobody can see in? I would get those if it were me.

coachbundy said...

The "Izzy"of the old days would have taken C to the bank, and sent out bills to his neighbors asking for payment for the quality show they are all getting.

J-Wild said...

Bundy...you are so right my friend. How much I have fallen!!

The Wrangler said...

Never cover those windows...they're great

Anonymous said...

I'm with Kenny. One-way glass. You get a view and they get a nice mirror to check themselves out.

Hey j-wild. Come play the Obama VP game over at our blog.