
Monday, September 01, 2008


He chose the FCBarcelona Soccer Club jersey. He had such a great time and stayed for both the 2-4 year class and the 5 and up class. He managed to score a goal in the 5 and up class during a scrimmage. When the scrimmage was over he promptly stomped off the field and fell on the ground crying. I asked what was wrong and he said he didn't score enough goals. He got in big trouble for that, and will be happy with one or no goals scored from here on out.

Levi's most natural soccer skill? Taking a dive on the tackle, shot, dribble, throw-in, and just plain running. If a European club saw him they would sign him up right away. You can't teach a person to fake a good fall in soccer you have to be born with it!


The Wrangler said...

I would have loved to have seen that! He's quite the little man. Nice going, Levi! By the way, Football Club Barcelona is the one I would have chosen!!!


Anonymous said...

FCBarcelona, classy. Good choice, Levi.

Unknown said...

Looking good Levi! Sounds like you've got natural drive and competitiveness - no surprise. I know you'll be a great team member.