
Tuesday, October 07, 2008


This video blew my mind! It's a simulation of all the commercial flights around the world in a twenty-four hour period.

Relatively speaking, there are still a lot of logistics to getting multi-ton flying tubes full of people all around the world. Air travel has to be the least efficient method of interconnectedness in the world, yet it still moves millions and millions of people around the globe everyday.

Many more things are not inhibited by weather, flight patterns, mechanical failures, and expense. The flow of money, services, ideologies, faith, ideas that foster hate, love, compassion, injustice, peace, and war move with unprecedented ease around the world.

America's future and place in the world depends on our leaders utilizing the strengths and combating the weaknesses of our country in the face of this global reality. That's just one of the reasons why I support Obama for President, because I believe he possesses the best set of skills, policies, and life experience to position America to lead the rest of the world in this new era of global connectedness and interdependence.

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