
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'll Take the Plain Bag Thanks

Great article on The Daily Beast regarding peoples giving up the signature shopping bags at high end stores in exchange for white plain bags. This is from the article:

At Hermès and a handful of other exclusive retailers, “secret shopping” has becoming the winter season’s newest trend. Anyone who can still afford, say, the three cashmere throws at $2,225 each that Mrs. Fuld bought when she stopped by the store that day isn’t likely to advertise it. Instead, the city’s most extravagant shoppers are ferrying their purchases home in unmarked bags; delegating delivery to assistants; or manipulating credit card bills to disguise their spending from outsiders—and their spouses.
The article is fascinating to me because among the wealthiest of people there is a guilt or fear of their own extravagance. The disconnect is that the feeling of displaying the frivolous items of luxury in the midst of peoples financial suffering and difficulties is tacky, rather than unjust. Manners would dictate that you get a plain bag coming out of the Hermes store, but decency would probably require you to give up shopping there all together.


kel said...

it's interesting to think about the difference between manners and decency. normally i'd think they're one in the same, but i think you make a good point. one thing i like about you and your blog is that you take a position even if it's controversial. maybe i wouldn't like it so much if i disagreed with you.

Unknown said...

Not to be too much of a cynic, but my first reaction was different than what the article is claiming. I would think they want plain bags to cut down on theft...rather than being uncomfortable with their spending.