The Beach on Cape CodToday is our anniversary! We were married today at
"Half Past two in the Afternoon" in a park next door to Harding University. There was a threat of rain, that never materialized and in front of about 450 friends and family we were married under this beautiful oak tree. My Grandfather said the prayer, my parents sat together with tears in their eyes, Allison's Dad walked her down the Aisle, and our closest friends were all there smilling over these two young lovers who were getting married.

When I look back on these seven years I am reminded of how young we were (barely 23) when we got married, and how grown up we felt living on our own for the first time in Dallas. Along the way we have kept and made invaluable friends and mentors. During that first year we spent just about every weekend at Dave and Suzette Parker's house eating their food, and drinking in their wisdom. We had the greatest time learning about ministry at Preston Road Church of Christ, and Allison got her feet wet at no less than three different jobs (Christian Services Adoption Agency, Fleishman Hillard Public Relations, and Dr. Tony Evans).
Since that time we have found a home in NYC and found a deep love and commitment with eachother. To be sure we drive eachother crazy. Just this morning she picked up four pairs of my shoes that I had laying around my house, and yesterday she started to tell me how to drive the stroller in addition to how to drive the car. We have treated eachother with compassion and sensitivity and we have been selfish and mean.
In the end we have one of the greatest and most precious things God has given human beings...a marriage. I wouldn't trade it in for the world, because she has given me my world. Allison, I love you with every fiber of my heart. You have captured my longings, my hopes, my dreams, and my love. Thank you for being you over the past seven years. Thank you for giving me a son. I will not abandon you and I will not forsake you. Thank you for seven beautiful and unforgettable years. I look forward to many, many, many more.
I Love You.
This is Brandon speaking (using my wife's identity):
First, I'd like to say that this is quite a beautiful entry. Seriously. I'm glad you married Allison, and both Jana and I were honored to be there. We are fortunate to have you guys as close friends (even though we're always far away).
I made a few observations with this post. Let's take a close look at the wedding party photo. Notice me, your roommate and mentor for several years, located farthest away from both you and your beautiful bride. Interesting. (Apparently, I also wasn't in the running for best man.) Next, the last time I checked it was Matt Isbell who was posing half nude for Abercrombie. Let's keep it that way. Finally, I checked in the dictionary and "eachother" is actually "each other." Now, you may be attempting some form of symoblism with marriage uniting two into one, but that's a stretch.
Again, happy anniversary.
I would like to join Brandon in saying that the entry is so tender. We (Shar and I) have cherished your friendship and look forward to all of our future times together.
I have made a few observations of my own. First, if you will notice the picture I did not make the wedding party. I was a good enough friend to drive the 7 hours to the wedding, but not good enough to get a tux. The wedding under the oak was beautiful, but it was a "family-tent" event. Second, I'm glad the ink from the batch-party came off in time for you to strike a pose on the beach. Finally, you, like the rest of the guys married way out of your league. Don't screw it up!
We love your family. Happy Anniversary.
I do not know you personally, but I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and I congratulate you on seven years together! That is a wonderful start on a lifetime of togethernes. I appreciate your sweet words for your wife. They are a reminder to all of us to express our love to our wives in tender ways.
Wait, I think I am in the picture. After a closer look, that is me in the middle top. I had forgotten that I did make the cut, as a tux guy, but not a g-man. I noticed myself because I was the only person in the wedding party over 5'5. Sorry for the mistake. I was a great wedding.
Bundy, I'm glad someone else realizes that all of Jason's closest friends are under 5'5". I'm acutely aware that as I have come to know Jason that I will forever remain on the outskirts of the inner-circle being that I'm 6'1".
Congrats Isbell family. May there be many more anniversaries.
Wow, look at all of us. Man we looked good back then. And thanks for putting me next to byron so I could just look that much better. That was seriously one of the best weddings I've ever been apart of and I truely am thankful you included me even if I didn't make varsity. You guys are great and I wish yawl all the best. Keep it rock'n.
I'm 5'8" on a good day.
Hey, even us short guys feel tall around Isbell. =)
Nice post and Happy Anniversary guys!
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