Pray for Ira & Bless the Children Sunday

Ira at 34 Weeks
Healing power of Jesus Christ,
Fall afresh on Ira,
Healing power of Jesus Christ,
Fall afresh on Ira,
Touch him, Stir him,
Unfold him, Love him,
Healing power of Jesus Christ,
Fall afresh on Ira.
(prayer from Howard Booth)
This is our friends baby who will be born tomorrow. He has a Congential Diaphragmatic Hernia and we are praying for a miracle. I ask that you all pray for baby Ira and the Hays family as well. You can check on their progress on the Brooklyn Church Plant blog.
This past week our Children and Families Minister Amy Henegar delivered an amazing sermon entitled "Dweling in the Shelter of the Most High." It was awesome! You need to listen to this sermon, and you can do so by downloading it here. The entire service was planned by Amy and it was so moving. On the MP3 you will hear the following:
Call to WorshipAll that and it's still shorter than the majority of just sermons that are preached here on Sunday. So download it, and enjoy, it was one of the best services I have ever been in.
Five Prayers:
For families who have lost children
For children who are sick or injured
For those who are unable to have children
For children who are seperated from those who love them
For children who are victims of abuse, violence, and injustice (yours truly said that one)
Communion Meditation
Blessing of the Children
Just to let you know how amazing the service was, not a single soul (366 people) mentioned the fact that a woman preached for the first time on a Sunday morning. We usually have people comment on women reading scripture, or leading the communion meditation, but this week nothing. The church is missing out on so much talent and creativity by limiting it's leadership, planning, and spiritual direction to just one gender, but that's going to change....someday.
Hey, Jason. It's seems like the church there in Manhatten is already changing for the better. Everytime I visit there (which has been almost five years now, I spent a summer in NYC during 2000) I am amazed at the progress and love that is shown there. I believe that you know my wife Amanda Curtis. She and I will be in NY this summer for our aniversary, but we won't be able to make a service unless you have things go on other than Sundays and Wednesdays. But, I just want you to know the impact that MCoC is making all over.
Thanks Kyle we appreciate the compliments and covet your prayers. Come back up here soon!
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