War of the Worlds

I saw the movie tonight, and it was absolutely terrifying! Don't worry no spoilers here, but I did think this while I was watching the movie...."I couldn't have watched this a year maybe two years after 9/11". Spielberg captures the kind of panic, destruction, and fear on film that gripped the city in the immediate wake of the terrorist attacks. Dakota Fanning even asks in the movie if "the terrorists" are back. I will wait to disect it further after more people have seen it, but if you go, be warned it is non stop from beginning to end. It's devasting, thrilling, scary, and doesn't disappoint.
No "Welcom to Earf" in this Alien flick!
If I could just get past the fact that Tom Cruise is starring in it...
I'm with Jana on this. Cruise has so disgusted me that I can't get past the fact that he is in it.
I know, I know. There are other actors I watch that are just as stupid with comments they make. There are other actors who do stupid things that I enjoy. But for some reason, I'm so turned off by Cruise that I can hardly stand him. So I don't have the desire to see the movie. But give me some time and more great reviews and see if I hold out...
I'm the same way with Tim Robbins. But Shawshank Redemption will always be in my top10 list.
Kenny - Tim Robbins? Why?
Joe - When the flick comes out on DVD, we'll come for a visit and split the cost of the rental. How 'bout that?
Jana - I'm just not a big fan of hearing celebrities talk about politics, prescription drugs or whatever the most recent "cause" happens to be. Rarely do what they say hold my interest or sound remotely sincere or intelligent.
Do any of you watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart? Last night Lewis Black did his segmant Back in Black. It was a rant against all things medical. He ended by pounding Tom Cruise. IT WAS FREAKIN' HILARIOUS. He showed clips of Cruise with Matt Lauer finally ending with Cruise saying, "there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance." It immediately cut back to Black and he responded by saying, "No? Then explain to me what's happening to you right now!" It was comedic perfect timing!
so jw, what did you really think of the film? at first i had heard that this was not going to be very good. but lately, the last couple of days, i have been hearing that this is going to be good. i think that i will try to see it soon.
kenny, i'm with you about tim, but i too think the redemption was a great flick. i own the dvd now. my wife thinks i'm crazy. i guess i have to agree with her.
Missed that one Joe - but Lewis Black is freakin' hilarious. I can hear his raspy voice now...
I'm glad I saw WOTW, but I wasn't blown away by it. A personality quirk, I can hardly watch movies where children are in danger (I HATED WITH PASSION the Lemonysnickets movie) ... so a few scenes in this movie made me squirm. The story left me a bit disappointed. Special effects? Off the chain!
Oh...and it seems that many celebrities believe that the fact that they can act/sing/perform gives them special insights into world dilemmas ... thus they speak ... and often reveal their total preoccupation with themselves. Cruise is a good example of that. Robbins is another one and his wife as well. One of my favorite examples is Bono. I think I'm going to be banned for that... but ... that's how I feel. "I sang a hit song, I am a rock Icon, so I know how to fix the world." I feel some dry heaves coming.
Yep, you probably will get banned for that Bono comment :) LOL
As for the limonysnickets movie, I hated it as well. My wife and I rented it not too long ago and we actually stopped the DVD mid-stream. We couldn't sit through it. As a movie junkie, I almost NEVER do that.
Alright...hate on Tom Cruise fine. Get nauseated at Robbins and Sarranden...ok by me. But Bono...you have crossed a line!
Bono, doesn't need me defending him, however few artist activists have been able to keep their own personal opinions in check in an attempt to move forward a just agenda. Bono hasn't said anything negative about Bush (although he probably thinks some of his decisions are appalling), and he met with Clinton when he was President. He is able to work with conservative and liberal policy makers in hopes of relieving the debt of Africa and bringing to end extreme poverty on the continent. He doesn't shame people into action, but he inspires them to give more. All the while he says he reserves the right to be a ridiculously grandiose rock star. To me that's authentic. I don't want Bono out there lecturing me about how ashamed he is of Bush (ala Dixie Chicks, Robbins, etc) it distracts from the problem that Africa faces.
As to the other comments. Tom Cruise is just silly, and caught up in a debate that he is neither qualified or experienced enough to comment on. I too was embarrassed at Tom's foolishness on the Today show. However, there are A LOT of people out there, and not just Scientologists, who think the way he does including some psychiatrists. I happen to disagree strongly with him, but I felt that way ever since he divorced Nicole so it's nothing new.
In any case WOTW is worth seeing for Dakota Fanning, the story, and the special effects. I still say it's really, really scary and kicks total butt.
Dakota Fanning is amazing.
Tom divorced Nicole? I've got to do a better job of keeping up. Sheesh, if he gets rid of Nicole Kidman, he might as well just marry that little chimpish chick from Batman.
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