
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Different Way to Look at the World

A while ago I wrote about what a revolutionary time we are living in because of the Internet. I found the article and quotes absolutely fascinating. Of course it was my first zero comment post but that's besides the point.

On that post I included a picture of a globe that represented the respective national Internet top-level domain code represented by the amount of users. That globe was created by the artist Ingo Gunther. He has created several other pieces of art utilizing the globe. He calls this project World Processor because he takes statistical information about the world, and applies it to a globe. To me his art is powerful because he takes the "numbers" that many of us are used to reading or hearing, and actually lays it out on a Globe. That perspective was powerful to me, and I wanted to share the once that were particurally poignant to me.

Life Expectancy
Life expectancy is a core factor in the human development index. With 82 years Japan has the highest life expectancy. All 35 countries at the bottom of this list are located in sub-Saharan Africa; their citizen's average life expectancy is between 52 and 39 years.
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Japan Personal Income Equals 62 Poorest Nations
The combined personal income of the 120 million Japanese people is equal to the combined personal income of the roughly 3.2 billion citizens of the 62 poorest nations, significantly more than half of the world population.
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Japanese Economic Continent
If landmass equaled wealth and economic might, Japan would occupy this much of the globe.
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Comprehensive Guide to the World
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Percentage of World Energy Consumption
Numerical percentages of world energy consumption are correlated with bar graphs indicating population figures. Japan, for instance, consumes 15 times more energy per capita than China, and the United States uses 2.5 times more energy per capita than Japan.
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World's Major Languages
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Money Geography
Superimposed size of countries represents their respective GNP.
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Company vs. Country
Some company's yearly gross income is larger than the entire GNP of a given country.
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Jam 2000: 72x Around the World
If all the cars in the world were placed end to end they would circle the globe 72 times.
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TV Ownership
Multiply the number of daily TV deaths by the number of people owning TV sets and subtract that number from the population. Most nations would disappear on a daily basis.
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kenny said...

I can really appreciate the art in these. The "Comprehensive Guide to the World" particularly struck me. White vs. Black - White is on top showing the perceived superiority, yet still occupying the same amount of real estate as Black, what would happen if you spun it around..., both seperated by a thin red line of racism, war, etc...

I may be totally off on that, but hey, that's what fine art is all about: the viewer's interpretation.

Salah Eddine Tiar said...

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Thank you for answering.