Best of 2006 - Movies

Here are all the movies that came out in 2006 that I saw:
Curious George
Running Scared
Inside Man
Akeelah And The Bee
Mission: Impossible III
The Devil Wears Prada
Superman Returns
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Miami Vice
Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby - The most overhyped movie of the year!
The Departed
Marie Antoinette
Casino Royale
Favorite movie of the year is...

I had so much fun at this movie. Everything was spot on, and Alec Baldwin was just hilarious. DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack, Wahlberg, and the rest of the cast were just fantastic. I thought the girl was the only weak link (Vera Farmiga), but she didn't bring the movie down by any means. So do I recommend this movie? Absolutely, but with a strong caveat. There is more swearing in this movie than what you would hear in the halls of a high school, and there is also a lot of violence...a lot of violence (not as bad as Passion of the Chirst, we'll see if Mel Gibson can top it with Apocolypto). But it's Scorsese so you should know what you are getting into when you go. I will say that the violence is different than in a movie like "Running Scared" which I thought was one of the most disturbing movies I have seen in a long time. I fast forwarded most of it.
Anyway, The Departed is my favorite film of the year, but there are so many films that I didn't get to see this year. The list below are the films that I really wanted to see, but haven't yet. Anyone see any of these and think that it could knock The Departed out of the top spot?
Films I haven't seen, but really want to.
Why We Fight
Dave Chappelle's Block Party
Thank You For Smoking
V For Vendetta
United 93
Down In The Valley
Da Vinci Code, The
Break Up, The
War Tapes, The
Heart Of The Game, The
Scanner Darkly, A
An Inconvenient Truth
Little Miss Sunshine
Half Nelson
Science Of Sleep, The
Jackass: Number Two
Last King Of Scotland, The
Guide To Recognizing Your Saints, A
49 Up
Half Nelson
Little Children
Man Of The Year
Prestige, The
Fast Food Nation
For Your Consideration
Apocalypto - Seeing during Christmas
Blood Diamond
Good German, The
Pursuit Of Happyness, The
Rocky Balboa
Good Shepherd, The
The Fountain - Seeing during Christmas
Children Of Men - Seeing during Christmas
Up next...Why I am a better parent than you are.
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