
Monday, April 20, 2009

Your Prayers Requested

Allison and I would greatly appreciate your prayers over the next two days as we find out about the public school lottery for Levi.

For those who don't know getting into a really good or even just decent public school in NYC can be a very arduous thing. The school we are currently zoned for is not an option for us which means we must apply to other public schools out of our zone. Most of the ten or twelve schools we put down as considerations are already full in their kindergarten classes.

What remains are four schools that we could be comfortable with if Levi is given a lottery spot. Tuesday at 6:00 pm I will be sitting in an auditorium with hundreds of other parents eagerly awaiting our lottery results.

There are a lot of things that can play out with regard to Levi's school options between now and the first day of kindergarten. But this is a major point in our efforts to find for him a good place for him to go to school. Specifically, you can pray for us to get a lottery placement in one of the district 3 schools we listed.

Thank you so much and we'll let you know how it goes.


The Wrangler said...

I will be praying constantly. Keep us posted on the results. I love you!

Unknown said...

We have been praying about this and of course will continue with these specific needs. We love you.