
Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I am incredibly unmotivated, and it is very annoying!

By the way DO NOT read this article in Slate, it will mess with your mind too much. Seriously I am warning you.


Anonymous said...

well nice job jason. I HAD to read it. Now I'm off to the grocery store and i'm already out 700 bones after buying my radiation vest.

kel said...

that article is hilarious! most things that funny are spoofs.

Casey. said...

I too could not overcome my curiousity and had to read the article. When I was in the thick of temp work, I worked for a couple of days for a man who sold radiation suits, gas mask and self-contained family habitats to be used in case of any kind attack. It was such an interesting place. All of the employees carried gas masks with them all the time, and as the terror alerts rose, so did their business. What a way to make a living.

J-Wild said...

I know, it's so easy to get wrapped up in fear that you become paralyzed. And of course those fears get played on very effectively by all sorts of people. So knowing that, I try to push against it, yet not all fear is irrational right? Seeing as how I live in the a frequently targeted city, it does makes sense to have some sort of preparation.

I am not going to shell out the $2,100 for three radiation suits (even if I could), but I might spend a little cash for a small stockpile of food, water, and other emergency supplies. Seems reasonable....right?